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Saturday, 16 March 2013

UPSC exams to have a separate paper on ‘scam handling abilities’.

What some are hailing as a step towards the future, the Union public service commission today announced that all takers of UPSC exams needs to write a separate paper on “Scam Handling abilities”. The idea which was incepted by the congress Stalwart A. Raja, is now being hailed as another marvel by the man after his brilliant idea of generating funds (for welfare) through 2G spectrum.

After the declaration most of the reporters rushed to Kapil Sibbal’s residence to take his opinion, if a similar decision can be taken for IIT/IIM entrances. He said “Scams and Frauds are the pillars of the society and this step would further strengthen it. With increase in corporates frauds and creative taxation, we are also planning to introduce a similar paper for MBA entrance which would be in addition the main aptitude test.” It was only after several hours that these reporters realized that Kapil Sibbal was no more the HRD minister and none of them knew who was currently taking care of the portfolio.

After getting a phone call from Sonia Gandhi, Cabinet minister for HRD Pallam Raju, came into action and posted on his facebook wall, “I condemn the steps taken by UPSC and would not implement the same for other higher education exams as this step legitimizes Scams.” These acerbic words were not liked by Kapil Sibbal as he got the ministers comment and the profile deleted. The HRD minister was undeterred by this action and posted the same comment on Google Plus; however no one had noticed the comments till the last reports came.

The commission has already released the first set of sample paper of the exam and for general good they have only been given only to IAS prep coaching institute. Our highly placed sources were able to fetch one copy of the paper. The paper is divided in two sections, one for scam aptitude and other for scam reasoning but some elitist candidates would have to answer one extra question. Below is the sample paper.

Section A: Scamitative Aptitude

Please answer Question 1 to 3 as per the information given below
 Loop, Swan and Unitech are best friend who go on to recharge their mobiles. They go to a Shop by name TRAI, where the owner has an assistant by name A.Raja. Loop hands him an amount which is 1 more than what Unitech gives and 7 more than what Swan gives. The total amount paid by the three together is 64. However during recharging Raja asks for a ‘under table service charge’ from Loop which is a 2 digit number XY, where X is twice as Y. Swan pays YX, while Unitech pays three times (X+Y). The difference between the amount paid by Swan and Loop is ‘18’ which is same as what Unitech paid.

Answer the questions on the information given above.
Q1. Who paid the least under-table service charges?
a)      Loop
b)      Swan
c)       Unitech
d)      Robert Vadra
e)      None of the above
Q2. Who paid the most under-table service charges?
a)      Loop
b)      Swan
c)       Unitech
d)      Anil Ambani
e)      Common Man
Q3. After A.Raja leaves, the owner of the shop arrives. He finds that Loop, Swan and Unitech did a total recharge of Rs. 1760 but paid much less. Who did the biggest scam?
a)      Loop
b)      Swan
c)       Unitech
d)      A. Raja
e)      UPA

Section B: Scamical Reasoning

Q4. What are $ and % in the last figure? [Hint: Read all the options carefully]




    a)      $ = Rs ; % = 2G
    b)      $ = M;  % = H
    c)      $ = Theek ; % = Hai
    d)      $ = Suresh ; % = Kalmadi
    e)      b, c and d

Besides the above questions Candidates belonging to General Category have to answer the below question
Q5. Express your opinion in exactly 420 words on the topic “What we consider as bribe is nothing but service charges.”   

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